French Kiss Events, Victoria’s luxury boutique wedding planning and design firm, specializing in creating weddings and events that are personalized down to the smallest detail.


Posts tagged year in review
Year in Review: 2020
Photo by: Rob Campbell

Photo by: Rob Campbell

Well, it was an interesting one, am I right? To be honest, I really toyed with whether or not I wanted to bother doing this annual post, as it was definitely not the year any of us expected. What was lined up to be the biggest year for FKE was not, and our industry suffered (is still suffering) dramatically. The weight I felt of dreams being crushed and having to be the bearer of bad news to dozens of vendor teams and couples was insurmountable and I’m not going to sugar coat it: it was beyond tough. But, when scrolling through my phone this week, to remind myself of what did actually happen this year, I knew I just had to keep this tradition alive. So much good took place amongst the crazy, and that is worth celebrating. We’re heading into this new year with a lot of optimism, and a fresh outlook on what is important. I absolutely love being a wedding planner, and have missed doing what I love to do so much. I can’t wait to have a year where we can celebrate love safely, and for what will surely be a wedding boom in 2022 haha! Bring it on! So, without further adieu, here’s a snapshot of this past year for FKE & the Walker family!

The start of the year brought the stillness that is usually found in January….and SNOW! How fun! Maddie was sort of into it, and I’m crossing all my fingers and toes that we get another good batch this year, as I know that she will be beside herself with excitement! I also had the absolute pleasure of heading to Kelowna with the loveliest FKE Bride & MOB, to do some serious planning for her Okanagan winery wedding. We had an incredible time, tasted the most amazing food, and I can’t wait until we can head back there to get them married!

In February, Nick & I headed on a jet plane with some of our best friends (sans kids) for what will forever be referred to as: the best timed trip of all time. A weekend in NYC beyond exceeded our expectations, and man, are we ever glad that we did it when we did. We completely splurged, staying at a dreamy hotel, eating meals like we never have before, and drinking 4 days worth of non stop cocktails (see pic below of the epic Cocktail Explosion). 3 weeks later? NYC was the epicentre of COVID in the states. How we managed to stay safe is beyond me, but I thank all my lucky stars that we had that time together. Back in BC, I headed up to Tofino for a weekend of wedding planning for another wonderful FKE couple. While their wedding was postponed and will no longer be taking place in Tofino, I can’t begin to tell you how much I loved my time working with vendors up in Tofino. Can’t wait to return!

March, well, I think we all know what happened in March. Looking back at the photos though, there was a lot of hilarity, my favourite of which being the non stop client calls I took while sitting in our boat in the garage. Working from home took a bit to figure out, let’s all agree ;)

Pivot quickly became the word of the year for many people, and I absolutely LOVE the pivot that I took with my good friend (and now side hustle business partner!) Shara of Bash Specialty! We launched Elopement in a Box in April (now The Proper Table) and had the honour to gift a free elopement package to 1 couple. Reading through all the submissions is something I’ll never forget, and I stand by that I wish we could have helped everyone. Kelly & Josh were the absolute sweetest, and their elopement in July was soooo special! Working with Shara on The Proper Table over the remainder of the year was 2020’s silver lining for me, and I am bursting with excitement at all the fun things we have in store for 2021!

The summer months? Well, there was a looooot of beach time, hangs with our bubble friends, and more beach hangs. We helped my parents move (their first move in 34 years!) and even had the privilege of helping some amazing humans get married. Naz & James eloped, Rachel & Alex had a backyard wedding for the ages, and Nessa & Sebastian challenged me with a 2 week timeline. I was ALL for it and what a gorgeous day!

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

In July, we had the chance to do something that we never get to do…go on a summer holiday! We escaped to our fave, Bodega Ridge on Galiano with our “bubble” family, and had the most fun week together! If you haven’t been to Galiano, do it. Do it now (well you know, when it’s safe to do so…). In early August, Nick & I were invited to go and explore the STUNNING Wild Renfrew! This property is located in Port Renfrew, and is the ultimate west coast experience. They are getting into the wedding game, and we will be working with them over the next year at helping to grow that business and support their couples. The Heyday girls already have a handful of Wild Renfrew 2021 weddings, and we can’t wait to create out there!


Now, I know it is completely unrelated to weddings, but in August, our other best friends welcomed their first BABY!!! Gah!!!! There is absolutely nothing better than a new baby (well, other than maybe making one? lol!) and he is just the cutest thing around. September brought big change for our house, as our little Maddie started pre-school (cue the tears). We also had 2 final weddings this month, and both M&C and A&X (planned by the fabulous Bonnie for FKE!) had the loveliest days celebrating love in the middle of a pandemic.

Photo by: Tegan McMartin

Photo by: Tegan McMartin

In the Fall, Shara & I continued to work away at The Proper Table, and had so much fun being part of so many families Thanksgiving tables! I also had the opportunity to style the holiday Abeego campaign, and yes…the brilliant minds behind Paper Heart Films also managed to convince our family to model for it. But let’s be honest: they didn’t have to twist our arms ;)

Now, if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that Nick & I sort of have a thing for Hawaii. So much in fact, that this was the first time in 10 YEARS that we didn't spend October there. Ugh. The worst. But we managed to escape back to Galiano (Bodega Cove this time!) and celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary just the 2 of us. It was blissful… A cute ladybug also appeared in October. Adorbs.

Photo by: Jesse Holland Photography

Photo by: Jesse Holland Photography

The rest of the year was spent pretty low key, again, for obvious reasons. Our little girl turned 3, and her close friends & family treated her to the most wonderful car parade! I will forever be grateful to our families and friends, who all rallied together this year and managed to keep everyone sane. I know that 2021 will still have many challenges and road blocks ahead, but the light is there and I am so grateful for this little space, and all the support from all of you. Thank you for reading, and I hope that everyone has the most wonderful start to the New Year! We made it!


Year in Review: 2019
Photo by: Whit McGuire Photography

Photo by: Whit McGuire Photography

One of my favourite traditions to kick off the new year is to sit down with a big cup of coffee, and write this post. Taking the time to look over the year that was, always gives me an incredible amount of perspective, and I am so grateful for that. 2019 was a great year, but it was also a tough year for me in some ways (I like to keep it real on here). With 7 weddings, it was the quietest season I’ve had in a long time, something which really made me stop, take a good deep look at what was going on, and figure out where I wanted FKE to go. I’m chalking the quietness up to a few things, which I’m not going to really get into here, but it made me realize how much I truly love what I do, and re-fueled my passion for planning & FKE. At the beginning of 2019, I really focused my energy on putting out as much as I wanted to get back (whether via social media, networking, creative work etc.), and I am so SO excited to say that re-focusing worked! 2020 is going to be the busiest year I’ve ever had, and with the expansion of our team (made possible because of this growth), I can’t wait to see what opportunities this next year brings!

With all this being said, 2019 was also a great year! Those 7 couples were the BOMB, and I fell even more in love with being a parent. Our family had lots of fun little adventures, and both FKE & Heyday have achieved some big milestones. In January, I headed down to Seattle for a couple days of planning for C&J, and also made my way up Island to Denman Island for a 2020 wedding site visit. So basically: lots of solo time in the car and lots of podcasts haha! I also collaborated with an insanely talented crew of ladies on a shoot with the Fairmont Empress. I wanted to do something in their space that felt fresh, modern yet still utterly romantic, and it was so fun to get to stretch the creative muscles a bit.

Photo by: Vanessa Lust Photography

Photo by: Vanessa Lust Photography

February & March brought classic winter coziness. We embraced the rare snow days with Maddie, had lots of fun family time, and headed to Vancouver with friends to rock our bodies (get it?! lol!) with Justin Timberlake. In April, we headed up to Tofino with our besties for our annual Easter weekend getaway. It was 4 straight days of beach walks, hot tubbing, good food, and Maddie hangs. So yeah, pretty great.

In May, we kicked off our wedding season with a fun one! J&A got married at the gorgeous View Estate, and it was a day time celebration that included 4 dress changes! It was also extra fun to see their wedding featured in the media down in Mexico, and to have played a role in a wedding that received so much attention down there! I also got to celebrate my 2nd Mothers Day in May with Maddie & my own wonderful Mom.


June is when things got a wee bit crazy… Maddie & I tagged along with Nick to Whistler while he raced the Whistler Half Marathon, S&J had a beautiful day full of colour and love, A&A had the most gorgeous backdrop for their wedding, and we celebrated our friends engagement on a rooftop.

Photo by: Kim Jay Photography

Photo by: Kim Jay Photography

Photo by: Vanessa Lust Photography

Photo by: Vanessa Lust Photography

The rest of the summer was a blur. We travelled down to Seattle for an oceanside celebration that had challenged me as a planner (planning a wedding in another country is no easy feat you guys) yet the end result blew me away and made me so proud of what our team can accomplish. We hung out in a lavender field, a gorgeous garden, and took in some of Vancouver Island’s most beautiful views. We announced the addition of Bonnie to the FKE team, something that I have been working towards for years and am SO excited about! Adding another planner to this little company of mine means so many different things, and I cant wait for you to all get to know her better. I also took an overnight trip back up to Whistler to start the planning of a 2020 wedding. Phew! Exhausted just writing all this! lol!

Photo by: Whit McGuire Photography

Photo by: Whit McGuire Photography

Photo: Myrtle & Moss Photography

Photo: Myrtle & Moss Photography

September brought a bit of a change of focus. 3 of us stole our best friend away and flew her down to Santa Barbara, for what can only be described as the best girls weekend ever. Insanely good food (The Lark blew my mind), delicious wine, and beach time. Back in Canada, we packed up the car and drove back to Whistler for a weekend with good good friends. The kids jumped in puddles, we came across a bear (terrifying when with children, fyi) , and played in snow at the top of the mountain. I also helped the VIWIA plan a fun night that focused on a great conversation about how vendors can work better together. Super grateful for that opportunity!

Photo by: Sabrina Patrice Photography

Photo by: Sabrina Patrice Photography

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

At the start of October, my all time favourite wedding (other than my own of course) took place. Our best friends got married! I was beyond honoured to stand as the Maid of Honour, and Bonnie took the reigns on the day, allowing me to be fully present. I honestly can’t wait to share more of this day! So much love was in that room, and we are all so happy for the new married couple!

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Later that month, the fam & I headed down to our happy place, Maui, for our annual time in the sun. Man I love it there.


In November, Bonnie & I were treated to an amazing little getaway at the Long Beach Lodge Resort in Tofino! We have 2 weddings in Tofino in 2020, so getting to spend a bit more time in the town, explore the gorgeous Long Beach Lodge, and connect with other planners was fantastic! Come December, holiday season was in full force, and I’m still recovering from it haha! Nick & I escaped to Calistoga for an extended long weekend after he raced the Sacramento Marthon, and had 5 days just the 2 of us. It was weird. But also great. Mostly great ;) Later in the month, we had breakfast with Santa, celebrated Maddie’s 2nd birthday, and we also made the team expansion over at Heyday official with a new team shoot.

Photo by: Jesse Holland Photography

Photo by: Jesse Holland Photography

Wow. As I mentioned earlier, this post of mine gives me so much perspective on the year, and I am incredibly grateful for the full year I just had. 2020 is the start of a new decade, and with that, I can’t wait to see what it has in store. Happy New Year everyone!


Year in Review: 2017
Photo by: The Nickersons

Photo by: The Nickersons

As I sit here writing this, with my 2 week old daughter in my arms (one handed typing is super slow fyi!), I am blown away with how much can change in a year.  2017 was definitely a year of change for me personally, and chugging along beside all that change was a business that I love more than I thought possible, and a crew that is making it possible for me to balance life and work.  This past year, we tore down our house and built a new one, found out we were pregnant (yay!) and welcomed baby Madison into the world, welcomed 2 new planners to the Heyday team, and worked with 11 amazing couples, bringing their dream weddings to life.  It was a big year, and a really really good one.  As I have over the past few years, I thought it would be fun to take a look back over the year that and share with you the highlights.  So, without further adieu, here we go!

The year started off as I like it to...nice and slow...We had a really cold winter in Victoria (which is super rare!), and enjoyed lots of cozy nights in and even a few snow days here and there!  A highlight though was seeing Mica & Nate's wedding featured on SMP here.  If you remember this wedding from last year, you'll remember how special it was, and getting to see it published was such a treat!  

Photo by: AMERIS

Photo by: AMERIS

Come February, we took our annual trip over to Saltspring Island with some really good friends, and enjoyed 4 days of games, hikes, wine, runs & really really good food.  We also met up with AMERIS in February to take some new team photos for the site.  A whole lot of hilarity ensued (as it usually does with them), and I loved getting to update the site with Paula & Nick added on, as they are both so instrumental to FKE! With the arrival of Spring, weekends were completely filled with meetings, mockups, site visits, and full on prep for the upcoming summer of weddings.  

Photo by: Lauren Kurc Photography

Photo by: Lauren Kurc Photography

In April, I had the opportunity to team up with some seriously inspiring ladies, and put together a styled shoot that was totally out of my comfort zone.  The results were drop.dead.gorgeous., and I can't wait to share the images with you all very soon!  Stay tuned...  Paula & I also signed up for a Modern Calligraphy class taught by the wickedly talented Kate Campbell, and our obsession with wedding signage grew that much more!  In the middle of the month, Nick & I escaped to the Okanagan with some friends, for the Easter long weekend, for a much needed vacay before the craziness of wedding season began.  And let me tell you all this: the Okanagan is AMAZING!  Go there immediately!  So much delicious wine (obviously!) and food!  And the many beautiful spaces!  I would absolutely love to start planning a wedding or 2 there each year, and so I am putting it out into the universe for 2019.  Any couples out there that love wine country as much as me?  Take me with you!

Photo by: Jesse Holland

Photo by: Jesse Holland

After a really relaxing Winter & Spring, $*%t got real in May: We tore our house down and found out I was pregnant (all within the same week, just in case you were curious lol!).  Wedding season was just around the corner as well, and our sister company, Heyday, kicked off the season with a stunner at Starling Lane Winery.  This wedding was featured on SMP (woohoo!!).  And at the end of the month, we helped to gather all of our favourite people in the Victoria wedding industry at the annual Meetup.  This time, Toque treated us to an incredible sit down feast, and I honestly don't know how we are going to top it in 2018!  

Photo by: Taylor Roades Photography

Photo by: Taylor Roades Photography

Photo by: Ryan Flynn Photography

Photo by: Ryan Flynn Photography

June kicked off the FKE wedding season, and once it got rolling, there was no stopping until October.  This season was also the season of live music (woohoo!), which is hands down, my favourite part of weddings.  Our first 4 weddings all had bands, which kept the parties going well into the night.  We stayed close to home this year, celebrating at a family farm, an English estate, a winery, and some of the most iconic spots in Victoria (hello Empress!), just to name a few.  In June, I also took the leap, and started to take guitar lessons!  Random, right?!  I've wanted to learn for years, and finding out I was pregnant was the final straw that got me to the music school.  In my mind, I'm going to be able to play like this within a year, but in reality, we all know that is never going to happen lol!  

Photo by: Katrina Massey Photography

Photo by: Katrina Massey Photography

Photo by: Amee Nijjar Photography 

Photo by: Amee Nijjar Photography 

In July, Nick & I escaped to Vancouver to see Jack Johnson (#bucketlist), and then also managed to take off to Saltspring Island again for our dating anniversary.  We seriously love that place!  Upon our return, it was back to weddings!  There were some seriously stunning ones this year, and as the galleries come in, I'm reminded how lucky I am to work with such amazing couples, and equally amazing vendors who help me pull off these wicked celebrations! 

Photo by: Blush Photography

Photo by: Blush Photography

Photo by: The Nickersons

Photo by: The Nickersons

August & September took us to another farm, an Inn by the sea, an Island resort, a Castle, and back to the Empress (twice).  I also did a little happy dance when this wedding was published in Real Weddings (#pinchme).  

Photo by: Luke Liable Photography

Photo by: Luke Liable Photography

Photo by: Christine Pienaar Photography

Photo by: Christine Pienaar Photography

In October, feeling insanely pregnant (hello third trimester!), Nick & I headed off on a baby moon to our absolute favourite place in the guessed it...Maui! Our days were spent debating whether we should go to the beach or pool (tough decisions!), eating a lot of delicious food, and really soaking up the last few moments of it being just the 2 of us.  Upon returning home, life started to move at warp speed. Our house was nearing the finish line, all things baby prep officially took over, and we were so honoured to have an incredible baby bash hosted for us by Laura!  I was also stoked to add Bonnie  to the Heyday team, and made it official with a new team shoot for the Heyday site!

Photo by: Jesse Holland Photography

Photo by: Jesse Holland Photography

At the beginning of December, we moved into the house!! Woohoo!!  The timing couldn't have been better, and our incredible builders, Philco Construction, worked their butts off to make sure we were in the house before baby came!  The rest of the month was spent unpacking, settling in, and working as hard as possible on all of our 2018 weddings before baby arrived.  And on December 23rd, our whole life completely changed, with the arrival of Madison Elizabeth Walker.  We are head over heels in love with her, and she has already stolen both of our hearts in a big way.  Basically the best way to end this incredible year, and I have no idea how 2018 is going to top it.  But...I am up for the challenge, and can't wait to see what the new year brings!

Photo by: Tegan McMartin Photography

Photo by: Tegan McMartin Photography

Year in Review: 2016
Jenna & Tristan

Jenna & Tristan

Cheers to the new year!  Another year has come to an end, and to be honest, I think I'm ok with it.  Don't get me wrong: it was another fantastic year, and I feel seriously blessed to have the life that I do!  I get to share it with an incredible man, and am surrounded by a truly inspiring tribe.  But, 2016 was filled with both highs and low's for me.  It was a year of wedding's that will top my list for years to come, but also a year of working myself to pure exhaustion, and enduring some personal struggles that I am still recovering from.  12 months is a long time, and a lot of things can happen;  It's been quite the journey, and I am really looking forward to reflecting back on it all.  We tackled 15 weddings, 7 events, and made it onto Vogue (eek!).  We got to work with some of the industries best, and started to spread our wings a bit further beyond this lovely Island of ours.  We launched a sister company to FKE, Heyday Events, and started to focus more on nurturing and training of young planners.  These year end reviews can put so much into perspective and I am so grateful to have you follow along!

I kicked the year off with a mission to be the healthiest version of myself possible.  I joined a half marathon run clinic, and instantly loved the connections that I made through the running community.  Planning for the upcoming weddings was going at full tilt, and the rest of January was spent doing what basically everyone does in January: a whole lotta nothing.  

Erich McVey Photography

Erich McVey Photography

In February, we managed to sneak away to one of my favourite places, Salt Spring Island, for a relaxing weekend with good friends.  I was also completely floored and incredibly honoured to be included on this list by Vogue, of the world's top wedding planners.  Talk about a pinch me moment! And I loved seeing this wedding featured on Wedding Chicks!

Jon Mark Photo

Jon Mark Photo

We celebrated everyone in the Victoria's Wedding industry in March, with another Meetup party!  And I was seriously stoked to see our Taylor Swift shoot from last year, featured on Inspired by This here and here.  At the end of the month, we took off to the beautiful Galiano Island and enjoyed a magical weekend at Bodega Ridge with friends over Easter.  If you take anything from this blog post, let it be this: go to Galiano Island immediately!  

Lillie Louise Photography

Lillie Louise Photography

April saw the start of the wedding season, and the first one was definitely a good one!  We also teamed up with a slew of talented vendors to host a Farmed and Foraged dinner, in support of the Nature Conservancy of Canada.  It was a beautiful night, and a meal I will surely not forget! Mid month, I took off down to Seattle for a weekend with Bash Specialty, to shop and hang with some other fabulous industry ladies.  

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

We were hired to plan a ridiculously romantic proposal (she said yes!).  And the month was finished off with a very special 1st birthday party we planned for one of our best friends daughter.  I mean, if you can't celebrate the big milestones like turning 1, what can you celebrate?

Taylor Roades Photography

Taylor Roades Photography

In May, we worked on an insanely gorgeous elopement, for some insanely wonderful Texans!  More of that to come in the new year...  We married a doctor & a runner, and I completed the Oak Bay Half Marathon as well!  Fitness goal achieved.  Phew! We also had our first ever Heyday Events wedding!  Paula, one of our fabulous planners, knocked it out of the park!

Erich McVey Photography

Erich McVey Photography

The Nickersons

The Nickersons

The Nickersons

The Nickersons

June is when the season really started to take off, and thus began the most intense 6 weeks of my career.  Before things got really crazy though, I helped completely surprise this lovely lady on her 30th birthday, and indulged in a night of charcuterie and wine.  Then, we went from Victoria's inner harbour, to Pemberton's mountains, to Salt Spring's coast, to Hatley Castle, to a sprawling field, and back to Hatley Castle, all in the matter of 6 weeks.  Man, I'm tired just thinking about it.  Amongst all that crazinesses though, were some pretty incredible weddings, and ones that I am beyond honoured to have been a part of.  We got to work with the insanely talented Erich McVey on one (another pinch me moment!) and witness love like we've never seen before.  I can't wait to share ALL of them with you in the new year!

Luke Liable Photography

Luke Liable Photography

Shane Deringer Photography 

Shane Deringer Photography 

EA Photo

EA Photo

In August, Nick & I managed to escape to Ottawa for a weekend and spend some QT time with some very good friends.  The rest of the summer was a beautiful whirlwind, and filled with a whole lotta pretty!  We got to bounce around a ton of different venues, and loved spending time with every single one of our couples.  

Jenna & Tristan

Jenna & Tristan



In September, we finished the season off with a couple more gems.  I then spent a week in Alberta visiting my brother and my 2 nephews.  They made my heart melt every. friggin. day.

Wendy Laurel Photography

Wendy Laurel Photography

October was spent in total recovery mode, and getting ready to escape to the sun, as we always do at this time of the year.  We spent 3 magical weeks in Hawaii, splitting our time between Oahu and Maui.  This years trip couldn't have come at a better time for us, and it was the perfect way to recharge.  Spending an afternoon with photographer superstar, Wendy Laurel, was a highlight for me, as well as celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary!  

The return to reality brought on a slew of meetings in November, and left me feeling ridiculously excited for all our 2017 couples!  As the holiday's quickly approached, I focused on spending as many relaxing nights cuddled by the fire, and preparing for Christmas.  On Dec 15th, on the eve of my 30th Birthday (#flirtythirties), I was given the ultimate surprise.  My amazingingly incredible husband, planned a surprise weekend in LA for me with some good friends!  I don't think I can ever complain about him ever again! haha!  It was the perfect way to ring in a new decade, and to reflect back on the year that was.  

Wendy Laurel Photography

Wendy Laurel Photography