Fun in the Studio: Meet the Team
It has been a couple of years since our new website was launched, and so figured it was about time to freshen things up a bit around here. Over the past year, the FKE team has grown to include the lovely and talented Paula (our office & design assistant), basically the sweetest and most driven lady I have met. Having her join me in the office has been amazing and everyone who meets her loves her as much as we all do! We have also officially welcomed Nick to the team, who has basically been with us from the beginning (something that happens naturally when married to the owner of a company). He is an instrumental person when it comes to FKE's growth & vision as well as helping with on site logistics at large events (and even carrying a chair or two). We are thrilled to have finally convinced him to step in front of the camera. And then there's Laura....oh Laura...she has been with me since the beginning, and I honestly couldn't imagine FKE without her! She is our most senior production assistant, and operates as my brain on wedding days. To say that she's a total rock star would be a major understatement, and it's been so much fun having her involved in some new upcoming projects as well.
We always have so much fun when working with AMERIS, and I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is to keep a straight face when being in front of their camera. WAY too many laughs were had (is that possible?), and we are all thrilled with the results! I've included a few of my favourite shots below, and then make sure to head over to our About page, to read more about everyone. The FKE team is like family to me, and I love that I get to spend my days working alongside them! We have a lot of exciting projects and new ventures in the works, none of which would be possible without them. Thank you so much for following along and helping make this dream of mine a reality! xo
ps - Thank you as well, to my talented friend Elena, who made my hair look as perfect as it did, and also to Club Monaco for my outfit. White jeans in winter was definitely a risk, but I'd say it was one worthy of taking! lol!