French Kiss Events, Victoria’s luxury boutique wedding planning and design firm, specializing in creating weddings and events that are personalized down to the smallest detail.


Currently Inspired by: Edition 06

May has finally arrived and we have the first weddings of the season upon us (fingers crossed for good weather please)! We have also been organizing the Spring Wedding Industry Meet-up to get together with other local vendors and have a little party ourselves before we are in the full swing of things! Take a scroll to see what is currently inspiring us over here in the FKE office!

Urban Venues
We are loving the newest venues in Victoria like the Fort Common and The 4o7 make us feel like we are in New York and having the coolest rooftop party.

Source: Offbeat + Inspired

Source: Offbeat + Inspired

Source: Style Me Pretty / Photography: Amber Gress

Source: Style Me Pretty / Photography: Amber Gress

Summery Cocktails
Patio season is so close it has been teasing us with the occasional beautiful summery day, and that means refreshing and fruity cocktails (hopefully by the pitcher)!

Kombucha Mojitos / Source: Half Baked Harvest

Kombucha Mojitos / Source: Half Baked Harvest

Strawberry Thyme Lillet Spritzers / Source: What's Gaby Cooking

Strawberry Thyme Lillet Spritzers / Source: What's Gaby Cooking

Backdrop Installations
These days we are all about bigger is better when it come to signage and backdrops! It is such a great way to create a visually stunning piece of decor that can be used for a framing the ceremony, seating charts, or just a perfect photo-op for your guests.

Source: Style Me Pretty / Photography : Heather Curiel

Source: Style Me Pretty / Photography : Heather Curiel

Source: Style Me Pretty

Source: Style Me Pretty