Happy Holidays 2018
Well folks, the anticipation for the big guy to come down the chimney is at an all time high around here! Christmas is just a few short sleeps away, and I for one am very excited. While technically this will be Maddie’s 2nd Christmas, she was only 2 days old last year, so I’m not really sure if that counts ha! This year, instead of being in a hospital, I can’t wait to spend the next few days surrounded by family and friends, over indulging on food & drink, and watching Maddie delight in the many twinkle lights and wrapping paper that is sure to come her way.
This year, for many many reasons, has been an incredibly special one. I always love looking back at the year during my annual review (coming early January) so for now, I want to just say thank you to each and every one of you who has made this year so amazing for me! Learning (who am I kidding…I’m still figuring it out!) how to balance being a Mom and run 2 businesses has had more challenges than I can count, but also that many rewards. Thank you to Nick for being the most adoring father and supportive husband. Thank you to both sets of our parents for the literally hundreds of hours of child care you have provided. Thank you to my kick ass team who absolutely slayed it this year (while putting up with a leader whose brain worked at half function most of the time). And thank you to all of the AMAZING clients who we had the honour of working with and whose support over this past year has me grinning from ear to ear. I hope everyone has an incredible holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, and here’s to a wicked new year!