French Kiss Events, Victoria’s luxury boutique wedding planning and design firm, specializing in creating weddings and events that are personalized down to the smallest detail.


Year in Review: 2014

Adrian Michael Photography

Adrian Michael Photography

2014 has officially come to a close, and oh my goodness...what a year it was!!  16 weddings, 5 events, 4 styled shoots, and oh own wedding to boot!!  Here's a recap of what was hands down, the biggest year of my life! January kicked off with a very exciting front page feature on Style Me Pretty, right here.  This was the first shoot of many, with my new friend, Adrian Michael Photography, and it was a stunner.  And the fact that Nick & I got to model, of course made it that much more special.  The rest of the month was spent catching up on a ton of office work, meeting with clients, and pulling together so many details for the seasons coming weddings!


Jesse Holland Photography


Kim Kalyn Photography

In February, I had a blast helping a former FKE Bride, throw a Gatsby inspired birthday soiree!  The night was filled with gold details, great cocktails, and tons of dancing!  Planning for the coming weddings continued, and in an attempt to completely unplug, we spent a weekend over on Salt Spring Island, with some good friends.  We drank lots of wine, ate cheese, and enjoyed pancakes and mimosas for breakfast.  It was heavenly. Also in February, I was thrilled to have this featured on SMP.

Rita Steenssens Photography

Rita Steenssens Photography

Studio 1079 Photography

Rita Steenssens Photography

This DIY project was featured in March, on one of my favourite blogs, 100 Layer Cake. It also inspired me to get more crafty with my Brides, and to continue growing my love of paper goods, and what they can add to a wedding.

Moroccan Surf Elopement-57

Christie Graham Photography

Christie Graham Photography

Christie Graham Photography

Moroccan Surf Elopement-211

Christie Graham Photography

In April, I headed out with a whole crew of wedding vendors, and put together the biggest styled shoot I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of.  The day was incredible, and was one of those ones that really makes you take a step back, and appreciate everything/everyone.  



With the arrival of May, was the arrival of wedding season!! Woohoo!! So many wonderful couples, and so much pretty was made this season.  And we started the season off right, by planning (alongside Jesse Holland), the 2nd Victoria Wedding Industry Meetup! It was a total success, and what a fun way to start a busy summer, with a party for everyone!

In June, Nick & I managed to escape away to Seattle for a weekend getaway.  I love Seattle, and always enjoy getting to spend a couple of days eating and drinking. So good.  And then, just a couple of weeks later, I was swept off to Pender Island, for my bachelorette weekend!  Lets just say, the girls in my life know how to completely spoil me!  The month finished off with one of my favourite weddings of the season, a black tie affair, that dripped in elegance.  Amazing!


Jesse Holland Photography


Shane Deringer Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Jon Mark Photography

Jon Mark Photography

In July, 3 more incredible weddings took place, each one as different as the next.  We got to play with tons of colour, incorporate family traditions, and work with a nautical theme that rocked my world!  A pretty good month if you ask me!


Jesse Holland Photography



In the middle of July, my best friends planned the worlds prettiest Bridal Shower for me (seriously!).  And Nick & I celebrated our 8 year anniversary, by hanging out with these guys, and floating on a lake for our engagement pics.

Christie Graham Photography

Christie Graham Photography

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Kelly Brown Photography

Centric Photography

Centric Photography

August was insane. We had 7 weddings in 5 weeks, and the month flew by! We travelled all over the Island, from Maple Bay to Campbell River, and got to soak in some pretty stellar venues.  The month was capped off with a very special wedding, for 2 Canadian sports icons. It also just so happened to be featured in Hello! Canada.  How cool is that?!!

Kelly Brown Photography

Kelly Brown Photography

Kelly Brown Photography

Kelly Brown Photography

In September, another wedding highlight of the season happened.  Set amongst a rose garden, and a true farm to table gathering, this wedding was special.  And later in the month, I did a MASSIVE happy dance, when our Mystic Beach shoot was finally printed in the Fall/Winter issue of Pacific Weddings.  Can you say #careermilestone?!!  



Feeling refreshed, October was finally here!  But before heading off on our trip to get married, we helped plan the 3rd Wedding Meetup, another fabulous night with so many great friends!  Also, I received a very fun box from Real Weddings BC, full of their newest issue, that featured this wedding.  Pinch me now! Then, off on a plane, to the beautiful Island of Maui.  It was truly a trip of a lifetime.  Our wedding was perfect, and getting to spend so much time with our family and friends is something we will never forget.  I can't wait to share all of our wedding photos, but here's a sneak peek to tide you over...

Jesse Holland Photography

Jesse Holland Photography

We returned to Victoria, halfway through November, this time as newlyweds!  Still on cloud 9, most of this month was spent with a goofy grin on my face, and the desire to talk about my wedding to anyone who would listen.  Amongst this though, I teamed up with some incredible vendors, on another epic shoot!!  This one is a goodie....stay tuned this year to see all the gorgeous details! I also hoped over to Vancouver, for the BC Wedding Awards, and got to celebrate all the talent here on the Island, with great friends!

In the first week of December, I hopped on another plane, and joined Nick in Austin, Texas.  He was there for a work trip, and I was lucky enough to tag along, and soak in all that Austin has to offer!  What a cool city!!  And the BBQ....yummmy!!  Once back in Victoria, it was major catch up time, and starting to think about 2015.  So much goodness is coming up, and I can't wait to see what else this coming year has in store.

xo Barb