French Kiss Events, Victoria’s luxury boutique wedding planning and design firm, specializing in creating weddings and events that are personalized down to the smallest detail.


The Weekend Roundup

{I apologize for this being so late into the week...lets just say that wedding season is well under way, and the blog is suffering slightly! lol!} Well, the weather has been nothing short of spectacular as of late, and nothing suits a summer wedding better than a bright a fun palette!! That's exactly what we had last weekend, at the Inn at Laurel Point: a fun summer cocktail reception wedding, oozing with pink and orange details!!  Just love! Everyone brought their a-game to this wedding (ahem...Verbena Floral Design, Airwaves Music, Decorate Victoria...), and I had SOOO much fun working with the couple throughout the planning, and designing their dream wedding!

And if these sneak peek's are any indication, Kim Kalyn Photography KILLED it!!!  Can't wait to see more!!

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Kim Kalyn Photography

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Taylor!!! You guys are so much fun, and I loved being a part of your wedding!!

xo Barb