French Kiss Events, Victoria’s luxury boutique wedding planning and design firm, specializing in creating weddings and events that are personalized down to the smallest detail.


Victoria Wedding Industry Meetup


In just over 2 weeks, the first ever, Victoria Wedding Industry Meetup will be taking place, and I couldn't be more excited!!!  A lot of people have been asking me over the past few weeks, what exactly is the meetup?  Well, my friends, the meetup is just that.  A meetup!!  And a chance for everyone who puts their heart & soul into making our clients weddings the best celebration ever, to celebrate & party ourselves!

After hearing of the successful Vancouver Wedding Meetup, my good friend, Jesse Holland & myself, decided it was time to bring the party over to the Island!  With a team of insanely supportive sponsors behind us (Tuktu Paper Co., Verbena Floral Design, Airwaves Music, KGood Photo & Decorate Victoria), we are so excited to meet with everyone on October 17th, 7pm at the Union Club, and to share stories of the 2013 wedding season, enjoy some drinks, listen to great music, and just overall have a great night!  So, if you are in anyway involved in Victoria's wedding industry, please come and join us, for what is sure to be a night to remember :)  Tickets are being sold in advance, online at:

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